How to Trim Trees

If you have trees, you know how important it is to keep them healthy and looking great. The proper trimming techniques will help remove unwanted growth while encouraging new development for the adequate tree structure.

This Galveston tree service will teach you how to trim your trees and do it right the best season of the year to trim your trees depending on the type of tree and the results you’re looking for. In general, cutting during the dormant season is typically best, particularly at the end of fall and early spring. It allows time to heal and commonly results in new growth during spring trimming, and summer after growing season will result in slowing the development of the tree by reducing the leaf surface.

If you’d like to enhance flowering trim in the spring after the flowers have faded and the leaves are fully formed for the summer blooming, trees trim in the winter or early spring; however, dead broken or diseased limbs should be cut immediately now that you know when to trim let’s get into the best way to do the job right starting with the tools you’ll need scissor cut shears are suitable for light decorating loppers a trimming saw. A pole saw get the job done on larger branches. Electric and gas-powered pole saws are available to make cutting even more comfortable.

You’re going to want to make sure all your saw blades are sharp for the best results. Sharpening tools like this file are available. You’ll need ladder gloves and, of course, safety glasses. If you’re working under large limbs, you’re going to want to wear a hard hat safety is critical in working with trees before you get started, look for hanging limbs and power lines, call a professional if your tree is near power lines, never operate a chainsaw while standing on a ladder and don’t stand on or above the wrong note on the safety label as for hanging limbs they can cause damage or injury if they fall so remove those first.

Look for damaged or diseased branches and remove them.

Look closely for damaged or diseased branches and remove them. The tree needs to allocate energy towards new growth and nutritional components. Thoroughly check your tree for the following problems that will require the help of an arborist look for decayed or hollowed-out wood and fit around the tree trunk for peeling bark all so inspect the roots if you see raised soil or bare roots it can indicate an unstable root system and tree as you can see the mulch here is mounted too high this can cause decay around the root flare as well as promote girdling roots girdling is when roots wrap around and squeeze the main trunk step back and get a big picture view of your tree then decide how you want it to grow.

Finding the strong leader branches those giving the tree its structure and determining the branches the cut the tree’s size determines how many limbs you can remove. You shouldn’t remove more than 25% of a small young tree and no more than 10% of a large older tree. Now let’s get into the interior trimming find any downward pointing and extensions crossing one another.