Divorce FAQ

annulment time frame1. What is an uncontested divorce?

There is no opposition to the requested in the petition or complaint in which the spouse agree to the divorce and the terms of the settlements like debt and property division, child custody, alimony, and support.

3. How to file a divorce?

To file a file a divorce is first will start by filing a complaint or a petition document. Some states call divorce as the dissolution of marriage. A copy of the said complaint will be sent to your spouse by the process server or by the sheriff’s office. Your spouse will be given the number of days to respond to the complaint and depending on the response of your spouse will determine how the case will proceed.annulments in nevada

3. No-Fault Divorce?

This kind of divorce was passed on all the states for the spouse to have a divorce in a simple reason of if one of the parties no longer want to be married.