Factors in Setting Alimony

annulmentThe duty of legal obligation of the spouses doesn’t always end after a divorce. Spousal Support or Alimony is continued financial support after a marriage. But when the supported ex-spouse gets remarried again that the time the alimony will end.

Different Facts and Circumstances Before Deciding a Decision

annulment vs divorceThe judge may consider different facts and circumstances before deciding a decision. One of the first factor the judge will view in setting a proper amount of spousal support from the earning capacity of the ex-spouses and the standard of living when the ex-spouses are still married. These factors are supported by sub-factors like job market for marketable skills, time and expense required for retraining a job, The other factor on determining the spousal support is if the supported party is assisted in education or career of the supporting party. One of the most critical factors in determining the spousal support will be the current owner of assets, years being married, the interest of children age and health.